Gamer Launch Feature Requests
This is an area where Gamer Launch users can suggest ideas on how to improve Gamer Launch functionality! When opening an idea, be sure to check out our Feature Request article for some guidelines.
If you are requesting that a game be added to the system, you want the Game Requests forum instead.
28 results found
Member Notes
I'd like to be able to keep notes on my members. This would be based of the roster sync, any changes in the roster would get noted automatically (promotion/demotion/date joined/date left). I could also enter free form notes for any member. Most GMs have too many members to remember every detail about all of them. I should also be able to share these notes with specific ranks or roles on the site. Ideally, all notes would be retained even if a person leaves. Its very annoying to see a member/alt leave the guild in-game and not be able access the…
155 votesMember Notes are now available on the Admin Menu → Rosters → Members area. There is a new icon next to each member where you can access this area.
Auto-pruning of members
Is there any way of doing this without actually going through each individual member? I want to delete members that have not logged in for over 60 days.
Also, is there a way of warning members that they are going to be removed from the site via email?
56 votesWhile this is not planned as an automated feature, you can sort the member roster by last login date and select every member who hasn’t logged in before a certain day.
Shoutbox delete permissions
There needs to be a permissions option for allowing moderators to moderate the shoutbox and be able to delete shoutbox shouts.
40 votesThis has been added to the system – there is now a permission on the Permission Groups link of the admin menu to grant people delete permissions.
Guild Admins can add a DEFAULT avatar
Admins can have an option to add default avatars to those who havent had selected any avatar on their own.... i though as a default avatar the tabard of each guild maybe?
7 votesThis has been added and is now available on the Admin Menu → Rosters → Default Avatar area of the site.
unclaimed chars
Make it so a site admin can also assign chars to members please.
6 votesThis is available on the Admin Menu → Rosters → Members area – there is an icon to the right of each user which lets an admin assign unassigned characters to them. :)
Assign Characters
In the old admin there was a feature to Assign Characters which seems to be missing from both the New Admin section and from the Old Admin if you switch. This was a very useful feature as it is very hard to get guild members just to go to the site to read information, let alone "claim" their own characters and alts. Please put this feature back in.
6 votesThis is available on the Member Roster (on the Admin side) by clicking the clipboard to the far right of the user’s name.
Allow admins to set guild site to adapt to each users timezone
We now have a situation when ppl from the diffrent timezones have problems in miscommunication about the time of an event.
The idea is to allow a site to show not a fixed GMT, but a GMT of a user.
4 votesIt sounds like the users who are running into issues aren’t changing their time zone on their User Profile. Basically, if users set their time zone and the site’s time zone is set, then the system will automatically display the adjusted time (so if the site event is at 11 AM EST, but a user has set their time zone as CST, the system will show them the event as being at 10 AM CST).
To have the ability as admin to set a email or text # for info to be sent too
For instance when recruiting, someone puts in a application a email or text will be sent to you
4 votesIf the account is set to send an email when PMs are received, the site owner will receive an email whenever an application is received. As far as receiving a text message goes, this is not currently planned functionality.
Add a "Save all site settings" to the site admin section.
Add a "Save all site settings" to the site admin section.
"Build Template" has a "revert to previous active setting, which works when you done something wrong. However, the builder can just do so much.I managed to mess things up, when I thought I was configuring the site correctly. Had to spend 14!! Hours on building the site back again.
Please add "Save all site Settings" and make 5 save points.
That way we can build the site and test things without breaking it completely.The "preview" in the site section requires you to change the site, LIVE.
4 votesA form of this is now available in our V5 customization suite.
Keeping Polls Fair
My Idea is to be able to Maintain a "Fair" playing field for Democratic elections of officer positions in game. I utilize My guilds Guildlaunch Site for our elections (Not only that but largely) And this Idea would assist me from weeding out alts from our members trying to win the popular vote, over the consistent vote. I feel that this ability is well suited for every game. This issue has came up where a person up for election has been reaching out to their friends and having them join the site and vote on the poll. This is something…
3 votesUsers only get one vote on a poll per account, not per character. They would need to be a member of your guild site with multiple accounts in order to vote in the way you’re describing.
Customizing site ranks as in-game guild ranks (WoW)
Allow the admin to customize the site ranks (Rank 1, rank 2, etc), changind their names (as it can be done with the in-game guild ranks) to GuildMaster, Officer, Class Leader, etc.
3 votesThis can be done on the Admin Menu → Rosters → Ranks area of the site.
It's really not cool that we can't upload any favicons. Or at least have a few default ones to choose from if we can't get fully customizable ones.
3 votesYou can upload favicons – just name it favicon.png and upload it to your file library and you’re set!
make the guild rank section a drag and drop
I think that it would be easier for people to organize their ranks faster and more efficiently if you could drag and drop the guilds in the correct position. And, maybe you could do the same with the forums section as well. It takes way to long because you have to click the up/down button way too much.
2 votes -
Adding a function which allows Adventure Quest World players to import rosters
So when can combine to guilds into on alliance
2 votesSo long as the characters are members of the guild in-game, they should appear on the guild site on Guild Launch as well. :)
Remove the Feedback icon
Thanks <3
1 voteWe’ve moved this to user profiles only.
Transparent text backgorund
I would like a feature to make all text background transparent so we can see any custom wallpaper behind it,As the text background covers anything you put behind it
1 voteThis is something that can be done in the Site Style section of Admin with CSS.
Better User Interfaces for Admin is needed in my opinion. To many features, too many buttons, lot of text at the left content....
1 voteWe recently released a new, improved UI for the admin menu.
New SWTOR server
Please add "Kinrath Spider" as a server for SWTOR. Thanks!
1 vote -
Add a text editor that is more user friendly
Can you add a text editor that allows you to edit your guild name more easily. Have a box where you type in the guild name and have several drop down boxes that allow you to choose your desired font ,effect, size, position,etc
1 voteThis is available in the Template Builder.
Give Site Admins the capability to Format the Guild application pages.
Give Site Admins the capability to Format the Guild application pages.
1 voteAdmins can currently organize the site application on the Admin Menu → Recruiting → Site Application area of the site. :)
- Don't see your idea?