Member Notes
I'd like to be able to keep notes on my members. This would be based of the roster sync, any changes in the roster would get noted automatically (promotion/demotion/date joined/date left). I could also enter free form notes for any member. Most GMs have too many members to remember every detail about all of them. I should also be able to share these notes with specific ranks or roles on the site. Ideally, all notes would be retained even if a person leaves. Its very annoying to see a member/alt leave the guild in-game and not be able access the officer notes to see who they were. This would solve a lot of the GM's HR problems.

Member Notes are now available on the Admin Menu → Rosters → Members area. There is a new icon next to each member where you can access this area.
Oxa commented
+3 This would be really facilitating reform our use because we are a closed community, we have a specific requirement for a members and want to know owner behind characters. We have more than 500 members of the player community.
Anonymous commented
You could also add bans in here - when, why, how long and who banned them. But yes, this is a great idea.
Shu-Jin Nall commented
Great idea!
sebo1989 commented
+3 - My favorite feature request
Ele commented
+3 votes. It would be extremely helpful to see when a member first joined, the dates they have "rage" quit and rejoined on, ranking promotions and demotions, and being able to make notes about behavoir. Keeping track of all of this in a seperate excel spreadsheet is very messy, especially when you have a guild like mine with over 170 characters.