Gamer Launch Feature Requests
This is an area where Gamer Launch users can suggest ideas on how to improve Gamer Launch functionality! When opening an idea, be sure to check out our Feature Request article for some guidelines.
If you are requesting that a game be added to the system, you want the Game Requests forum instead.
305 results found
Neverwinter Races
Please add Halfling and Half-Orc to the list of playable races for Neverwinter Online.
12 votesHalflings and Half-orcs are now selectable.
Minecraft Login Server Status widget
E.g. Have a Minecraft login server status addon (like or and maybe integration with Towny (
12 votesThere is now a Minecraft Server Status widget available.
Select all that apply in recruitment app setup
I would love to see the ability in the recruitment setup to have a multiple choice/select all that apply checkboxes.
3) What reason(s) would you like to primarily join the guild for? <select all that apply>
And then have the ability for them to check multiple choices from the list.
12 votesMulti-select questions have been implemented.
Include Crafting Professions on site (RIFT)
Have a place that will allow members to add their crafting professions & their crafting levels on the site during or after sign up; for a guild as the size of mine, it's vitally important and needed!
11 votesThis is possible by creating a custom roster column for Crafting, and by adding craftable items to the Crafting tab of the character in question.
You cannot make another post so soon after your last REMOVED
Kill the timer that creates "You cannot make another post so soon after your last". If you want this in a non premium site then ok. But it need to be removed from paid sites.
Thank you.
11 votesThis has been patched up and should be acting in a much more user-friendly manner now. :)
Some GuildWars2 widgets/ more GuildWars2 templates(Icons too)
Some new Guild Wars 2 themed things would be nice, such as forum buttons/ forum laylouts, and Forum Templates.
11 votesWe recently added more GW2 templates/themes to the system.
Drakensang Online update
New character class is Steam Mechanicus: please could you add it to the list of character classes in the character creator?
10 votesThis is now in the system!
Limit raid size and standby
Please consider adding a feature that limts the number of people that can sign up for a raid and anyone after that limit into a standby or wait status.
It would also be of value to be able to limit certain classes as well and once that class is filed the person be placed into a standby or wait status.
Raid 1 has a limit of 20 slots:
4 - Tank
4 - Mage/support
7 - Rogue/dps
5 - Clerics/heals
So the fifth tank or mage that signed up would be placed into stanby, the eigth rogue would be…
10 votesthis feature exists when using ‘Signup Groups’
Update Rift instances to include Primeval Feast
The current new sliver is missing from the Progression. Could this be added please?
Grandmaster Atrophinius
Swarmlord Khargroth
Alltha the Reaper
Faelord TwylSome images by the company: :)
9 votesThis has been added!
Would love to see 5.4 World of Warcraft Template
I love the templates for the site! I think the better ones for WoW have had the bosses/raid featured. I would love to see a new template for 5.4/ tier 16 Siege of Orgrimmar. Maybe Hellscream on the side?
9 votesWe’ve just released a new WoW – Orgrimmar template. :)
Social Activity Stream
The Social Side of Guild Launch
I would really like to see some added functionality that encourages members to be active on the guild website bar keeping up with updates. On our last host this was successfully done by implementing something similar to a social community part. It was very well received by my members and included the following:
A Facebook-ish activity site stream, that in addition to listing what the site activity stream usually does also allowed members to post various things (text, images, links etc) they wanted to share with their guildies. This could maybe be made available…
8 votesWe’ve added some of this to user profiles and site notifications. :)
8 votes
Better spoiler code
The current spoiler bbcode being used is really sub-par. Something like this would be much better...
<div style="margin:0px; margin-top:0px"><div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px"><b>Spoiler:</b><input type="button" value="Show" style="width:45px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;" onClick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = ''; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Show'; }"></div><div class="alt2" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px inset;"><div style="display: none;">
<!---hidden content--->
<!---this is where you'd put that one word in brackets that I can't remember what it is for phpBB3 which lets the forum know this is where input content goes--->
<!---end hidden content--->
</div></div></div></td>7 votesThis has been updated.
Recruitment class icons for Guild Wars 2
Can we have recruitment class icons for Guild Wars 2?
7 votesThese are in the system.
Guild Admins can add a DEFAULT avatar
Admins can have an option to add default avatars to those who havent had selected any avatar on their own.... i though as a default avatar the tabard of each guild maybe?
7 votesThis has been added and is now available on the Admin Menu → Rosters → Default Avatar area of the site.
7 votes
There is now an Age of Wushu template available.
Final Fantasy XIV- Update with Jobs and server names.
White Mage, Black Mage, Bard, Warrior, Monk, Dragoon, and Paladin have been added.
Also the server names are now: Ridill, Masamune, Excalibur, Aegis, Durandal, Gungnir, Sargatanas, Balmung, Hyperion, and Ragnarok
7 votes -
more templates
adding more templates for world of warcraft
7 votesWe’ve just released a new WoW template!
RIFT - Infernal Dawn Raid
Can we get the information for the latest RIFT 20-man raid added? The raid is named Infernal Dawn. I don't have a full list of bosses handy, but it's out there.
6 votes -
Option to choose different feeds for LOTRO game news
Currently, the LOTRO game news feed comes from the LOTRO vault website. That website is very out of date regarding LOTRO news and is still showing news items from 2010 as recent news. Suggest either pulling the news feed directly from the LOTRO website or give admins the option to choose which fan site the news feed comes from. Thanks.
6 votesYou can use the RSS feed widget to pull LotRO news from other sources.
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