Limit raid size and standby
Please consider adding a feature that limts the number of people that can sign up for a raid and anyone after that limit into a standby or wait status.
It would also be of value to be able to limit certain classes as well and once that class is filed the person be placed into a standby or wait status.
Raid 1 has a limit of 20 slots:
4 - Tank
4 - Mage/support
7 - Rogue/dps
5 - Clerics/heals
So the fifth tank or mage that signed up would be placed into stanby, the eigth rogue would be in standby and the sixth cleric would be on standby.
this feature exists when using ‘Signup Groups’
AdminGL_Stephen (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
You can do this with signup groups, which are an advanced subscription feature. Signup groups have functionality for auto-assignment. Essentially, all signups are "standby".
Then the signup groups fill them into the groups based on your caps, and based on (optionally) their Raid Roster settings.
Let us know if you need help getting the functionality to work for you, but it should work for what you have described.