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Gamer Launch Feature Requests

This is an area where Gamer Launch users can suggest ideas on how to improve Gamer Launch functionality! When opening an idea, be sure to check out our Feature Request article for some guidelines.

If you are requesting that a game be added to the system, you want the Game Requests forum instead.

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305 results found

  1. Calendar Signup Option

    An option to disable signups through the calendar would be really nice. I like the feature, but my guild members are used to posting to a forum thread for signups, where we keep a running list. Having the ability to sign up through the calendar means I have to click back and forth every time I want to check for signups. With an activity every day, this takes a long time.

    1 vote
    1 comment  ·  other  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    You can now set limits for calendar signups (effectively allowing for no sign-ups by setting the signup dates so that there is no time to sign up).

  2. Needing to update Servers for Scarlet Blade. My guild is on the Venus Server not Alpha.

    Needing to update Servers for Scarlet Blade. My guild is on the Venus Server not Alpha.

    1 vote
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  3. Add a forum delete button

    Add a button to delete individual forum topics as a whole, as of right now you can only delete posts individually to get rid of the forum topic. It would speed up forum clean up or pruning ten fold.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  forums  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    There is a red ‘x’ icon at the bottom of each thread to delete it entirely.

  4. twitter feature is broken. fix it!

    twitter feature is broken. fix it! nothing more.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  admin  ·  Admin →
  5. Merge clan application with registration!

    It's confusing to my guys that they have to register with Guild Launch and THEN apply to the clan. The clan application should double for Guild Launch registration.

    1 vote
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  6. Badges

    Make it easier to know what badge you get rather than saying, you have x amount of badges so you never really know which one you get. I want to know which one i get when

    1 vote
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    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    A notification appears at the bottom left of the browser when you receive a new badge, showing the badge received.

  7. Facebook connect on domain

    The Facebook connect option for registration/login only works for sites with a domain, not I understand that's because Facebook limits the app to a single domain. Please create an alternative app for the domain so all us Wowstead transferees can use it too :-)

    1 vote
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  8. 1 vote
    0 comments  ·  admin  ·  Admin →
  9. Please add Lamia server to FFXIV pick list

    My server is Lamia. It is not on the pick list. I believe it was added last week, during the Early Access debacle.

    1 vote
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    Lamia is now in the system – you can change over to it on the Admin Menu → Games → Games Played area of the site.

  10. Guild Specific Awards:

    What I am asking for, is a way to add awards to my guild member's profiles for specific things. When I say awards, I mean ribbons and medals that they can earn for doing specific things within the guild.

    As and example: John Doe (character name JD) builds and completes construction of a market in the guild colony. He receives a guild given medal (or ribbon) which will grant him the rights to access that award and post if either under his profile picture and/or in his signature.

    Another Example: Jane Doe (character name QA) receives an guild given medal…

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  addons  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    This functionality is available on the ‘Awards’ tab of the site-side guild roster. You can assign awards to users that they can display on their user profile based on things they do for the guild.

  11. Sub Site for each of the different games my guild plays.

    Sub Site for each of the different games my guild plays.

    1 vote
    1 comment  ·  addons  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    This is something that you can do with an Alliance site – essentially, using the Advanced Alliance functionality, you can have a hub of guild sites that share a memberbase.

  12. Please add the Zalera server to the FF14:ARR server list!

    I don't see my server on the pick list, could you please add it? Thank you very much!

    1 vote
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  13. Allow award icons..

    While the site can display Rank, it would be nice to have a place to display, awards.. for service, Raids events etc.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  admin  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    There are areas on the site which can display all these. :) Awards and such display on the user’s profile, events show on the calendar and so forth.

  14. Make an raid log, like activity log. An activity log where raids will be shown: wed 23/10/2013 - SoO flex 1 - Which is clickable

    If you only use the calendar for raids, then it becomes unhandy.
    Having an activity log over raids, which make em clickable directly to the signing page would be to prefer.
    An activity log like:
    [Day of week] [date]- [raid] [text]
    Wed 23/10/2013 - SoO Flex part 1

    which could contain the next upcoming 5 raids or so..

    1 vote
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    This can be done with our Rapid Raid functionality, which has more robust raid options than the built-in event calendar.

  15. joining site

    When you join site you are then in clan, some people only want to join site so can you make the join clan something done after joining site please.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  recruiting  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    If you create an account through our main page ( you won’t be linked to the application process for a specific site. That way you would have a GL account without being a member of a specific guild/clan/kinship/corp site.

  16. Add a free-form widget similar to Guild Summary or Guild Description that will allow more than one of it for any page on the site

    Add a free-form widget similar to Guild Summary or Guild Description that will allow more than one of it for any page on the site

    1 vote
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  17. Double columns for news

    I would like to request double columns for the widget that is for front page news. This way the site would look more like GameSkinny. Thus, we could have two smaller columns side by side instead of stacked on top of each other. In short, it makes the site look more like a news site or a blog.

    1 vote
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    While we don’t currently offer widgets that span multiple columns, if you remove all the widgets from one column, it will collapse in – effectively leaving you with two columns like you’re looking for. :)

  18. Forum functionality for after posting a reply or just viewing a thread

    When you post a reply, the software defaults to going to the top of the current page. You then have to scroll down to see your reply. It would be nice if it immediately went to your reply.

    Also, when you go to view a thread you've previously viewed, it would be nice if it automatically went to the last post rather than the first post.

    1 vote
    1 comment  ·  forums  ·  Admin →
  19. Vindictus Character List Update (December 2013)

    Character List Update in Vindictus needs to be updated.

    The class's
    "Hurk" and "Lynn" must be added to the already 6 Character's as Hurk and Lynn came out recently in European, American and Lynn is being released on the Asian Version's.

    1 vote
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  20. 1 vote
    0 comments  ·  other  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  GL_Slater responded

    I didn’t see Kanna in those announcements, but Demon Avenger, Xenon and Hayato are now in the system. :)

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