Guild Specific Awards:
What I am asking for, is a way to add awards to my guild member's profiles for specific things. When I say awards, I mean ribbons and medals that they can earn for doing specific things within the guild.
As and example: John Doe (character name JD) builds and completes construction of a market in the guild colony. He receives a guild given medal (or ribbon) which will grant him the rights to access that award and post if either under his profile picture and/or in his signature.
Another Example: Jane Doe (character name QA) receives an guild given medal or ribbon for recruiting 5 unique new players (different IP) to the guild and to guild launch. This grants her the rights to access that award and post if either under her profile picture and/or in her signature.
Another example: Steve Doe (character name SD) has been a member of such and such guild for 2 years and receives a ribbon or medal from the guild for his accomplishment which he can choose to post under his profile pic and/or his sig.
The guild leadership can decide what the award is for that is to be given to the guild member and the image for that award. When a member is chosen to receive that ribbon or medal, it will show up on their profile page and all they have to do is put a tick in the box for the profile and/or their sig. If they have not received the ribbon from the leadership, there will not be any box for them to check.
Thank You.

This functionality is available on the ‘Awards’ tab of the site-side guild roster. You can assign awards to users that they can display on their user profile based on things they do for the guild.