full wysiwyg editor & copy/paste capability
Since the last thread is closed and I cannot add my vote to it, here goes a new one: I'm new to GL and was appalled when I first tried to post information from a web based guide for a new WoW boss into a forum post. I actually did not post all the information that should have been included because it was too much effort trying to create the existing formatting and links manually. Essentially, I find the editor unsuitable for conveying the information I want our team to have, in an efficient way.
Please consider adding a proper wysiwyg editor that supports copy/paste of some formatting from websites/html or other documents, and generally provides a more user friendly editing interface.

This is now live.
Dett commented
I've been waiting over three years for this. It was one of my first suggestions to the GL team. Cannot wait to try it, Stephen. Thx!
Tanya Lowes commented
Brilliant .. thanks :-)
Ente commented
Good deal. Thank you GL team.
AdminGL_Stephen (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
We have a WYSIWYG editor currently being integrated and will start Beta testing with a limited group of participants next week. If you would like to participate then let us know. Here is a screenshot of the WYSIWYG in action:
Wiegraf Zerolok commented
WYSIWYG editor for forum posts is my number one most-wanted feature for GL. Just to be perfectly honest, not having it is enough to have me consider searching for yet another new home for my guild after this whole debacle of WoWstead shutting down.
Yes, I would ask dozens of people in my guild to make a new account in yet another website, and go through all the site customization I've done, just so we can have WYSIWYG editing for forum posts.
Chris Paterson commented
https://guildlaunch.uservoice.com/forums/106449-feature-requests/suggestions/4253614-forum-improvement is still open - not a precise match, but essentially includes WYSIWYG.
Drain commented
To be able to add titles above a set of forums would be nice too. Like all member forums under one title bar, that is not a forum itself, with a description of your choice in it.
Anonymous commented
Please add WYSIWYG editor, it would be awesome
janfi commented
+ 3 votes for a WYSIWYG editor
Chris Paterson commented
A WYSIWYG editor sure would be nice...
Dett commented
That's a shame, Slater. I feel this is a real weakness of GL. Many of your competitors offer this feature and I've had several guild mates ask me for it. It may not be big glossy deal to you, but we see it as a fundamental component you are missing in your offerings. (shrug) Thanks for at least letting us know your position on this topic.
Mazzy commented
I would LOVE to see a fully featured WYSIWYG editor asap! That would definitely have an impact on our decision to continue using Guild Launch when our contribution $$ has run out.