Mobile Friendly
Could you please make this site mobile friendly? I would love to use the forums directly on my phone without having to resize. I have used guildlaunch for years with WoW,and i love how the forum system is set up. But now i would like to use it for a mobile mmo.
We currently have a beta out for our mobile-optimized version of the site; we are looking into improving it more in the future, but for right now the basics are in place.
Bjorn commented
Adding a link to a screen shot that I took from my Nexus 4 after clicking on the mobile link when entering our forum
Bjorn commented
Is there any improvements planned in any near future? The lack of mobile friendly interface is the biggest reason to why my kin and I are discussing an alternative solution at the moment. I don't want to change solution, but when users are reluctant to use our forum due to this, I am forced to do something. Is there any information you can give us on this? Show us the roadmap or anything?
Anonymous commented
The navigation and text rendering when outside the forums needs some work. I was ready to give up on the mobile version until I managed to navigate down into guild forums.
Keep working on it. There is still room for improvement to make it feel more like a native app with better UI and larger text.
Anonymous commented
*sorry, (typing from my phone), I cannot see all of the *links* in mobile mode like I can in htm mode.
Anonymous commented
Actually, I had not. So, I did, just now. Unfortunately, its worse. :( everything is super zoomed in, so I still have to resize and, I cannot see all of the like I can when in htm mode. So, between the 2, htm actually looks better on my phone. I see that it says beta next to mobile, so are there some changes still to be made?