Increase the File Size for MP3s. Please Add an Audio Archive and Video. Please add a Video Wedge
[Suggestion 1]: Please take away the file size limit or increase it to 100mb for music on guild lunch. [Reason 1]: I can only talk for my guild personally, however we hold briefings often on team speak 3 and record them all into mp3 format. This briefings can be as large as 100mb and last up to 1 hour at least or more. We would like to add them to the music section so our members could simply come to the website and listen to them directly from their as well rather then having to download them always. [Reason Two] This also would allow us to make play lists and put them on the website music section, so when we are doing long ops we could be listening to music together directly from our guild page. [Suggestion two]: Allow us to make Audio Archive to list briefings or music for our members enjoyment through the website. This could also attracted new customers as well. [Suggestion 3] Allow up to upload videos to our guild lunch and have wedge to display them in. This could also be useful to show how we do things in our guild and also have training videos to teach new people as they join. Again this could attracted new members as well to guild lunch.
We here at the 312th Black Trident Regiment, appreciate you taking the time to hear our suggestions.
There are a couple different ideas in here, but new sites are now on S3 from Amazon, which has increased the upload limit on file size. This option will be available on old sites soon as well.