Embed Chat on home page
Be able to embed the Chat feature / window on the main page, without it opening to a new window or popup. Enjin have this feature, it is probebrly the only thing their sites have over guildlaunch. It helps bring the site community together in realtime chat, a seperate page does not work..no one goes to it or even looks at it, may as well not even have it as it stands

This is now in the system.
AdminGL_Stephen (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
I amnot missing your point. The enter button works to send the chat. There may be an issue with safari that is keeping it from working for YOU but it was designed to work with the enter key.
The enter key does not work to send chats on many/most mobile or tablet devices. A button is required.
haramrae commented
You're missing my point, which is that pressing the Enter key should suffice to send a chat message. Even tablets have an Enter key. Chat works the same way in the games that people use your website for, it is what people are familiar with.
Whether you place a submit button on the widget or not isn't really relevant (we can always remove it using some custom CSS).
Having that button as the _only_ option to send a message is what my complaint is about: It means that we need to take our hands off the keyboard after each message, grab the mouse to push a button and place them back on the keyboard for the next message. Not convenient. -
AdminGL_Stephen (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
haramrae - the button is there so people know it's possible, and for tablets. We are well versed in how people use IRC and other forms of chat. We're also well versed in different interface types that require certain UI elements.
The functionality should work just fine on Safari. We will verify with that specific version and get back with a fix or more input.
haramrae commented
I suppose that's the white panel with the blue submit button? I'm glad you added this functionality, but it appears to me that you don't fully understand how people intend to use this. Have you guys ever used an IRC client or similar?
For starters, either the Enter or Ctrl+Enter should 'submit' the message. A submit button is superflous and only serves to take up space, but above all, it makes it harder to send messages. People need to grab their mouse to send a message after they've been typing.
Second, I just submitted a message, but nothing happened. Is this feature compatible with Safari (7.0.5)?
haramrae commented
Wowstead (where we're coming from) had this too. The "shoutbox" acts sort of but not quite in the same way.
Lina commented
I like the chat window thing, but it needs a lot of improvement. This would be a step in the right direction. If the Chat was actually a widget instead of its own page, it could be carried all over the website, so that players browsing the forums could participate as well as the people reading or editting the wiki etc.
Defiant commented
Sure would be nice...
sir matty commented
Agreed, I would like this option too.