Make it possible to "like" someones posts on the forums or add reputation for posts that they make?
Other forum users woruld be able to like a post or add reputation to that person for a good/bad post

Posts can now be upvoted and downvoted and this contributes to the user’s ‘GL Score’.
RoCk commented
This would help GL keep pace with the competition. I'm a big GL fan but I've seen some other trends that are making me wonder where I want to put my eggs. This feature (kudos, +1s, votes, reps) would help with community activity big time.
If a guy has 1400 posts what does it matter if his rep is low or even negative. A guy with 200 posts and a +45 sounds cool to me.
Chipmore commented
Excellent news thanks mate :)
Robert Holdford commented
Now thats a sensible idea .
Anonymous commented
This is a great idea