Guild Roster Tracking
I'd like to be able to see a history of characters joining and leaving the guild, complete with dates, together with a history of rank changes for characters in the guild. I'd like to be able to see this data in a variety of reports such as showing changes in that last week, month, etc, in a variety of forms (searchable/sortable text; bar or line graphs).
For example, I'd like to be able to see how many characters left last month, or joined, or expand it to show a chart showing growth (or lack of growth) of the roster. I'd then like to be able to drill down and see who left or joined during a specific time (linked with the "owner" of the character if possible). It would also be nice to be able to compare .. so see how many joined/left during last month, and the same month last year.
I'd like to be able to also see the changes for ranks too (although that is not so important) together with a date of when that happened.
And I'd like this to be tracked for a considerable length of time .. if not indefinitely.
Most of this should be possible because the site already pulls this information from the Armories - it just doesn't seem to record it anywhere once it has updated the site.
If all else fails, provide a downloadable file that we can import into Excel in order to manipulate.