Gamer Launch Feature Requests
This is an area where Gamer Launch users can suggest ideas on how to improve Gamer Launch functionality! When opening an idea, be sure to check out our Feature Request article for some guidelines.
If you are requesting that a game be added to the system, you want the Game Requests forum instead.
172 results found
More support for DCUO items.
ItemHover for DCUO would be awesome.
3 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
Custom Sections can have their own CSS pages
Would be nice to specify the styles for a section, e.g. own background image, etc. We have different gaming chapters, like WildStar and ESO. They would like an appropriate bg image for their custom sections.
4 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
1 vote
This is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
Offer Alternate Member Display Option
I've seen the Member Roster on some other sites neatly arranged and divided by rank and including other info such as last online, join date, and that member's characters. Would love to be able to display something like this when someone clicks the Member Roster. What I'm talking about can be seen on a site like this
3 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
Site Members Search
Within the Rosters > Site Members area, add a search field in order to help with quickly finding a specific member. It would show any applicable partial or full match.
For example: If I typed in Kin, it might return with:
The results would display as the list currently does in terms of: Check Box, User Name, Joined, Last Login, Rank, Admin, Mod, Modify3 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
Site Members pages by Alpha Characters
Currently we page through the roster in Rosters > Site Members in order to manage a user. This suggestion would be to include Alpha Characters as "pages" (in addition to the current page numbers) so that we could quickly find members. For example, I'm looking for all members that have an account name that starts with the letter 'M'. I click 'M' and it shows all members fitting that criteria.
In a nutshell, it's just an additional way to sort through massive amounts of members.2 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
'Select All' option for Split/Merged
When Splitting/Merging Topics, having a 'Select All' option for selecting all the posts to Split/Merge would help speed things up, especially for merging entire Topics together.
3 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
26 votes
This is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently slated for active development.
Wiki Search Bar Placement
I think the link to the wiki search bar is a silly and unnecessary extra step that doesn't serve a real purpose. Instead of having the link, please use the actual search field. in the wiki nav section.
For example, the current setup of the wiki nav section is:
Search ( link that goes to JUST a search bar, nothing else)
List Pages
HelpInstead, you should have it:
[______________] (Search Field)
List Pages
HelpJust my 2 coppers.
2 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
Guild Kick/Drop Notes
We have a process where we assign a re-invite priority to each member when they leave or are kicked from the guild. It would be great if you could make these an option or at least provide more customizable fields on the roster. I suppose I can make a no longer in guild rank as a workaround, and strip them of rights.
Terms when he left
A = Left on the best terms. Example: Long time productive member. Left for RL issue.
B = Left on good terms. Didn't know him long, but gave his notice before he left.
C…6 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
You could use an officers-only forum to do something similar, though. :)
Enable the shoutbox to be viewed by non-members without the ability to post. This will stop "holes" appears on the home page for non member
Enable the shoutbox to be viewed by non-members without the ability to post. This will stop "holes" appears on the home page for non member.
Currently if you include the shoutbox members can see it but non-members just see an empty space.
6 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
Countdown widget that supports different time zones
I recently used the countdown widget. And it created quite the problem. Most of my guild members live in very different time zones. So it would be nice to have a countdown widget that you can enter a date and time, that would then tell each member at what time for THEIR individual time zones. Instead of it going by your computer time. So if a countdown goes to 9am PDT, then every guild member actually had the timer count down to 9am of each of their individual time zones, instead of telling them at what time 9am PDT should…
6 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
star trek online
an api for star trek onlines Gateway program
12 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
Remove the faction requirement from the guild import. Now that Defiants and Guardians can comingle, it's causing havoc with the import and duplicating characters.
3 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
Option to not count certain events against attendance for individuals
This post describes it well: Basically, this would be a way to somehow not count an event for or against an individual raider (by not increasing the numerator or the denominator when a person doesn't attend an event).
It seems like the original poster was trying to make sure those who were signing up are showing up which would be very useful.
Additionally, our guild policy allows raiders to take one vacation from raiding per xpac without being penalized. We've just started using Rapid Raid to track attendance, and we plan to add our previous attendance (tracked via…
3 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
Allow use of GW BBcode even when GW2 is selected as primary.
Currently the GW BBcode is only functional if the original Guild Wars is selected as the primary game. This can make sharing build ideas difficult for guilds who have GW2 as their primary selected, but still play GW and find the builds posted in forums as raw code. Thank you for you time.
6 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
Allow admins to change Level of characters for games that do not have roster imports
Members aren't updating their levels or some are purposely putting level 999 so the can be on top of the list. Our game doesn't have roster import functionality, I'd like to be able to fix/update my roster without asking members.
148 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned for active development.
DC Universe Online: Additional options for characters in the League Roster section
For Guildlaunch webpages related to DCUO (DC Universe Online), I would like to see the League Roster section possibly expanded (especially when adding new characters to it) by providing options to view both character Mentor and current Role. I also believe that listing character Morality in the League Roster section is obsolete and a wasted spot, due to the fact that all characters would be the same morality as the rest of the League/Guild by default and in-game anyway.
Thank you for your time!
14 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
Responsive and allerting Chat room
The Chat room should be responsive allowing the window and text to change when you re size your window.
This will allow players to move the chat window next to their game window.The internet icon should turn orange when someone posts a new message in the chat, and not just add sounds (some games are loud)
You should also see a number pop up beside the chat menu item stating the # of messages you have not seen yet.
2 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
Have 'Edited by' text appear when a moderator edits a forum post
Hello friends! Thanks once more for great website & great work for this amazing service... I would like to give the idea of when an admin edits a post from other person it should appeared edit by .... at date:..... Because atm I just edited 1 person post and nothing appeared.
Thanks for your time & have a great week
4 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
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