Option to not count certain events against attendance for individuals
This post describes it well: http://support.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9023667&highlight=attendence+attendance&gid=535. Basically, this would be a way to somehow not count an event for or against an individual raider (by not increasing the numerator or the denominator when a person doesn't attend an event).
It seems like the original poster was trying to make sure those who were signing up are showing up which would be very useful.
Additionally, our guild policy allows raiders to take one vacation from raiding per xpac without being penalized. We've just started using Rapid Raid to track attendance, and we plan to add our previous attendance (tracked via spreadsheet) since the beginning of the xpac. I have a raider who will soon be coming back from his vacation, and I have no way to not penalize him on the attendance report for him not having attended during his vacation so that all of the information is accurate.
I'm sure there are other uses for this, too. Thanks!
This is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.