Have 'Edited by' text appear when a moderator edits a forum post
Hello friends! Thanks once more for great website & great work for this amazing service... I would like to give the idea of when an admin edits a post from other person it should appeared edit by .... at date:..... Because atm I just edited 1 person post and nothing appeared.
Thanks for your time & have a great week
This is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
HRD commented
I think this is a great idea. I belong to a site where moderators happily edit other people's posts for no valid reason (I would call 'valid' as removing spam, trolling, swearing etc) and nothing shows up that they have done so. If this could be an admin enabled function by forum privilege level, it would remove a lot o the concern that mods are abusing their power.
Illydan commented
I don't like it, an edited post looks "you can't make a post w/o editing it many times" in official announcement.
so make it optional :p -
Britt commented
I'd like this. And reason for edit !!