Events should go in calculated to GMT based on the time zone of the user entering the event, then displayed at the viewer's calculated time. Adding new events to the calendar assumes you are in the forum owner's time zone, it doesn't take your own into account. For example, say the forum owner is 3 zones ahead of me, so when I put in an event for 11pm my time, it shows up, after everything is done, as 8pm my time because the event's zone has been shifted 3 ahead of mine, to the forum owner's. Better still, if I put something in for 11pm my time, which would be 2am the next day on the forum owner's time zone, the calendar shows the event on the next day from when it would happen my time, though it correctly says that the event will happen at 11pm my time on a hover.
Events should go in calculated to GMT based on the time zone of the user entering the event, then displayed at the viewer's calculated time. Adding new events to the calendar assumes you are in the forum owner's time zone, it doesn't take your own into account. For example, say the forum owner is 3 zones ahead of me, so when I put in an event for 11pm my time, it shows up, after everything is done, as 8pm my time because the event's zone has been shifted 3 ahead of mine, to the forum owner's. Better still, if I put something in for 11pm my time, which would be 2am the next day on the forum owner's time zone, the calendar shows the event on the next day from when it would happen my time, though it correctly says that the event will happen at 11pm my time on a hover.