Dungeon Overlord
Game companies participationg: Kabam, Facebook, Kongregate
I play on kabam,so more information will be needed from the other sites.
ThIs is a very small amount of my info from Kabam:
Server: default (there is only one server)
Raven Gulch (22,36)
Guild: Black Dagger Brotherhood
Ask other players for their information.
Dungeon Overlord is now in the system.
AdminGL_Slater (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
I've just added the other servers, but from what I saw people could build more than one city (and thus be on more than one continent). Is this not the case?
Lief Kalm commented
"Dungeon Overlord is now in the system."
Yes,but with incorrect options.
I should have specified that there be these options to chose from:
Host: (select one) -Facebook -Kongregate -Kabam
Server: (select one) -Annihilation -Default -Live
Continent:(select one) -Solace -Hayt -Despair -Abandon -Gloom -Tremble -Eventide -Decline
Region:(type in name,coordinates)
Name:(type in)Gender,race, and class are totally unrelated to the game and should be taken out of the character page.
Oh, i should have mentioned the developer.The game was developed by Night owl games.
Also, here is a link to the game on Kabam: