Shared Alliance calendar
The following proposal is to help ease the various allied sites' ability to share the information found on their alliance calendar.
The system as stands is useful, but it could be more user-friendly if it allowed allied sites to see the alliance calendar events on their own sites' calendars.
- It is easier for an average user to go to one site--their kin/guild/clan/et al--to learn what they want to learn. These sites, on average, are used during people's free time which is precious to most folks. The more efficiently the information is dispersed, the more free time they have to play the games that brings them here in the first place.
- Also, not all site admins are build from scratch web developers. Some of the current methods to try to work around the system in place to copy information over to their site is beyond their skill even with help from the support forums.
Currently the alliance calendar can only be viewed by:
- going to the actual alliance site
- going to an individual allied site if said site's admin is capable of creating their own link within their site
- going to an individual allied site if said site's admin is capable of overriding their own site's calendar link on their site with the ally calendar
Currently the alliance calendar can only be updated by:
- going to the actual alliance calendar, whether it is called at the alliance site, or via a link change on an allied site
I believe that the proposed additions that follow would improve functionality of the alliance system overall, and I have offered a few levels of options in the hope that at least one system will be implemented.
At the very least, I would like to see:
- Any event posted on the alliance calendar to display on all allied calendars as well.
In my perfect world, all calendars within an alliance should have the following functionality:
- All alliance events would show up on both the alliance site calendar as well as all the other site calendars within the alliance.
Shared events could be added both on the alliance site calendar as well as the all the site calendars within the alliance.
When one is adding an event, s/he will have the choice as to which calendars within the alliance will see the event.
(This could be as simple as "this site only vs. all" or as complex as a check box per alliance member site as well as the parent alliance site.)
I have tried my best to be as clear as possible to convey what I see in my head (and have used on similar sites before). My vocabulary for such things isn't great, so I hope it all makes sense.

Unfortunately, this did not reach the minimum threshold to get bumped up to the next level of feature planning. :(
For more information on how our crowdsourced requests are processed and what an idea needs to get bumped up to Under Review, check out this article: