Award System and Homepage Music Improvements
Hello Guild Launch,
I am pretty new to Guild launch but I do plan to stay for a couple of years here. I do have some suggestions that come from myself and my clan. I know that some of my ideas may not be possible for how the websites are designed, but I want to just throw some ideas out there and maybe you will think of a few ways it is possible.
First is the award layouts, I feel that there could be a couple of improvements.
I do like the Awards widget that you can have on your homepage, but if there was a way to display the description of how you get that award, without going to a list of all the awards, when your mouse hovers over the award in the widget section (like in the two pictures below).
I would also like to comment on the picture above and suggest maybe have another option to have the grid layout that might be a little more user friendly than just the style that there is in the picture below. I am not trying to bash on what there is now because I am thankful for the award system, but maybe it could use some more finishing touches.
I believe many people like showing off what they have accomplished in the clan, but nobody really knows who has what type of award after it falls off of the awards list. Currently, its kind of a hassle to see how many awards points that member has within the clan without going to their profile. If there was a way to display that next to # of posts after that person posts in the forums (like in the two pictures below).
Maybe choose some of the awards above, like a maximum of 5, in the forums section below under the persons avatar. I know you've stated in other threads before that there isn't enough space, but I would like you to consider trying to make room.
My profile from You can see that my medals are displayed so that everyone can see. I feel this motivates others to strive for awesome medals and spurring more site activity.
And last but not least I did have a lot of requests in my clan to make the Homepage music also available in other areas of the website. Halo 3 Theme song is the S*** :) On the image, where it is circled in red, is only on the homepage. When you click to go to the forums tab, the red circled section is no longer there.
Thanks for reading my suggestions, I hope I didn't insult anyone, and I do hope you consider adding some of these features in the future. Thanks again.
Link to out guild launch website:

Unfortunately, this did not reach the minimum threshold to get bumped up to the next level of feature planning. :(
For more information on how our crowdsourced requests are processed and what an idea needs to get bumped up to Under Review, check out this article:
Sean commented
I would also like to add that when a member leaves the clan for whatever reason, that the removed member's name should also be removed off of each award list that that particular user has accomplished.