Split Stephen Johnston's WYSWIG FAQ from the discussion threads that follow for better ease of use for new Guild members.
Stephen Johnson posted an excellent introductory FAQ for the WYSWYIG Editor. However, this FAQ is hard to locate using the seemingly obvious Search Box in the Support Forums. A search for WYSIWYG, returns no results.
Furthermore, the Boolean search option is virtually incomprehensible to new users unfamiliar with database search engines and their rather technical syntax..
The discussion thread that follows Stephen's FAQ quickly become a major distraction to a casual viewer, and is filled with technical jargon. Questions are interspersed with user and Support replies. There is no clear indication of an "official" GL "Answer".
My suggestion is to enhance Stephen's Intro FAQ to WYSIWYG, enhanced perhaps with relevant answers by informed users and GL Support.
Publish the revised FAQ as a Locked Topic (and flag it with a WYSIWYG or other keyword, so it will appear in an inquiry in the Search Box.
If your Support Forum is structured similarly to a Guild's site, the Moderator function should allow this new FAQ to be created easily using Split or Merge functions.
A related feature would to the creation of a Locked FAQ for the Quick Reply feature, aimed at a novice user audience.
Site Administrators or Moderators could just hyperlink the GL Support FAQs to use as FAQs on their Guild site.
This approach would enhance the Guild member experience and reduce the support requests to GL.
Thanks for considering this proposal!
Auldjohn, Master Sage, Administrator and Moderator, The Elder Sages Guild.
This has just been split out so the topic is its own thread (without any of the replies) on the Site News area of the site.