It would be nice if there could be a Widget that allowed members to download files that have been selected and uploaded to the file library.
I want to have the functionality of my members to help with recruiting with banners and other ways but there is no option to allow them to download files. My idea i present is that a new widet or other method is created that is linked to the file library. The Admin chooses what files from the library are shown in teh widget and whether set to any or only members, can download those files one by one.
Flagging this as completed since it’s part of the HTML widget functionality.
Steven Sanford commented
ah thank you :)
AdminGL_Slater (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
This can be done with the HTML widget - just get the URL of the file, put <a href="URL">DownloadName</a> in the HTML section of the HTML widget and you should be set.