I am having a small issue with the attendance function of RapidRaid due to the fact that we often run two raids at the same time.
I am having a small issue with the attendance function of RapidRaid due to the fact that we often run two raids at the same time. Both raids automatically lose 50% attendance due to not being in each others raids.
We can't combine them into a single raid since often one raid will progress further or use a difficulty setting which results in different DKP rewards.
Is there anyway to get around this issue already? Or could attendance be applied to eveyone who attended on a specific date or something?

This can be managed within the same raid by having three events: one as an Attendance event, a second for Raid 1 and a third for Raid 2.
That way everyone gets attendance, the raiders in the first raid get the appropriate DKP and the raiders in the second get theirs.