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To set a password for your Ventrilo server (so that only individuals who know the password can use your server), do the following:
- 1. Log into the Control Panel at
- 2. Click “Configuration” under the “SERVER → EDIT” menu heading on the left.
- 3. For “Server Authentication”, select “Global Password Authentication”.
- 4. For “Server Password”, put in the password you want everyone without a named Ventrilo Server User Account to use to log into your server.
- 5. Save the changes. Your server will be automatically restarted for the settings to take effect.
To remove that password…
- 1. Log into the Control Panel at
- 2. If you have more than 1 server, select the server you wish to edit in the drop-down box.
- 3. Click \“Configuration\” under the \“SERVER → EDIT\” menu heading on the left.
- 4. For \“Server Authentication\”, select \“No authentication and anyone can connect\”.
- 5. For \“Server Password\”, blank it out.
- 6. Save the changes.