Delete All Favorites At Once
Is there a way to delete ALL favorites at once? Thanks very much.

Yes, the X button. It was a minus in the early version. We don’t want to run afoul of twitter automation rules. We are looking into a delete all option.
Anonymous commented
if api limits or TOS violations are a concern make an option to unfave all, but have it go on a time schedule to stay within twitters boundaries.
Jimmy commented
2016 still Waiting !!!
dmiroo commented
Hi , i need your help
i have 2600 Favorite tweet and i delete only 1000 .. but still the 1600 is not appear for me to delete it , i Waite 2 days ago but nothing is change
plz tell me what must i do to delete all my favorite tweets
and thanks so much -
Mood commented
OK,, give us the code to do it through Javascript console and let us be banned from Twitter, we agree.
AdminGL_Stephen (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
It is a big deal because it is completely against Twitter TOS for APIs. I don't want to get banned from the API.
Mood commented
There should be a one-click option to delete all favorites.
You can put a timer in the code to delete each favorite in every second.. it's not a big deal.
Dude commented
I don't expect you to break Twitter's TOS. I'm just saying that since Twitter made it so easy to unfavorite that which users had previously favorited, Unfavinator is useless without a true one-click option. Hey, it was a good idea while it lasted. Take care.
AdminGL_Stephen (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
Which is nice, but when we built it Twitter did not have that delete method. Either way, we aren't going to break Twitter TOS.
Dude commented
This can be done just as easily on Twitter by going to your Favorites tab beneath your header photo on your homepage and just going through and clicking the favorite stars that you favorited. It's easy, but no more time-consuming that Unfavinator's option. In other words, Unfavinator is useless without a true one-click unfavorite option.
AdminGL_Stephen (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
Automstic delete all is against Twitter API terms of service. Unfavinator was built before twitter simplified deleting favorites, but is still easier for deleting large volumes of tweets.
Dude commented
This seems like a no-brainer. I can unfavorite all of my favorites on Twitter already. I came here so I could do it without taking the time to unfavorite them individually w/the X button.
Don't really see the point in Unfavinator without a delete all option. -
Anonymous commented