world of tanks

World of Tanks is in the system.
AdminGL_Slater (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
I'm not sure where a lot of those claims are coming from, but will do my best to respond to them. :)
1) Our recruiting functionality works for World of Tanks just as well as it does any other game in our system. It can be found here:
2/3) We have two templates/themes currently in the system for World of Tanks, as well as a robust customization system which allows users to set up their own images, if they'd prefer.
4) What widgets would you like to see for World of Tanks? It's something we can look into.
5) This was recently updated - we had it as To Be Announced since there wasn't much data publicly available when we originally added it, but you can now choose Factions and Tank types for it.
6) While we don't generally add forum icons for specific games any more, you can still add custom forum icons on the Admin Menu -> Site Style -> Simple Customization -> Forum Icons area of your site!
7) We have just as much functionality for World of Tanks as we have for most other games in our system. We're glad to look into more, but most games simply don't have the public API available for us to do a lot of the fun, in-depth development to support it.
Inconspicuous commented
Barely.. If you would call that in the system... It's in 1 drop down box. and the ability to use or Interact through it is Nil.
1) There's no recruitment support
2) No themes
3) No templates
4) No Widgets
5) No Character ability...which could be admin / site creator modded to be highest tank.. etc etc
6) No Forum Icons
7) No Functionality.Only place it exists is one box where you put in game mainly played by your clan....
World of tanks.... done...Sorry if this comes off as rude I just wished to point out the places it was in the development.
Last I tried to make a guildlaunch site supporting World of tanks was 2012..I was hoping support may have changed since the game hasn't gone anywhere and you would have recieved more then just my statement saying that some support would be nice..