Add custom, assignable forum ranks
I am looking for a way to show appreciation to our guild donors on our forums. As is though, there's no clear way to do this. Forum ranks do not allow for this, as they can only be set with post counts. And site ranks offer insufficient functionality for this, as members cannot be assigned multiple ranks; e.g. the combination veteran and donor, or member and donor.
As such I would like to suggest to create the option to make new forum ranks without post requirements, but which rather may be set by the guild administrators. This way e.g. donor ranks may be added. But also other customizable ranks could be added to decorate guild members with forum badges (small icons) if desired.

Fornost commented
Or it would be an option to make it possible to fuse ranks?
as we can assign one rank, it would help if a member could have 2 ranks (or more?).