Group pricing plan option
I would like to see a "group site" pricing option with Guild Launch. Many guilds span multiple games, so create multiple GL sites for this guild aimed at a particular game. This being said, most guilds only pay a premium subscription towards the guild side they are current most active in, leaving the others as a "free" site. It would be nice to have some sort of "group" plan where other sites do NOT lose all their basic functionality (Newsletter, Rapid Raid, storage) if they were under a "group" plan. Maybe have a guild have more cloud-based storage where they would still have x Gb of space, but that is COMBINED space for all their sites...or even a centralized domain which then branches to other guild sites and the like.

This didn’t reach the required threshold to be bumped up to review. :( We will gladly revisit it if it’s resubmitted and gets the required votes, though! More information can be found here: