"Games Played" Modifier Team Pages or Team Rosters E-Sports or Multi Gaming Teams
I am looking to have an addon created or a current one modified.
Currently there is a "Games Played" area where you can add "Games Played" we want to take this a step further so when you view the "Guild Roster" it displays all the "Games Played" but with customizable banners. These banners would link to the "Games Played" Roster for that Game. Each game you add gets its own customized banner you can upload as well as a Custom Roster that you can add "Members" or add people who are not signed up. This would function for the Multi Gaming Teams or E-Sports teams and would function something like
the Evil Genius website , if you visit this link
it takes you to the "Teams pages" ie "Guild Roster"
Inside there is a banner for each game that they are involved in, ie "Games Played"
If you click each one it shows you the teams "Roster" which has all the profiles of all the members and their ranks etc.
You already have the system inplace but it needs additional functionality, in the admin section under games played each game should get a "Banner Upload" and each game should have a "Roster" that you can add members too. and on the "Guild Roster" Page instead of having a Drop down menu with a "Filter" you should just display every game that is part of the community site ie "Games Played"
This would allow us to run an Esport / Multi Gaming community and allow members or non members the ability to check out our "Teams" individual rosters in a much easier and more organized method.
This is a MUST have option for Multi Gaming Teams and E-Sports teams.

This is not currently planned in a development cycle, but we may revisit it for future releases. If you would like to see it reopened, we strongly encourage you to submit it as a new Feature Request so that our dev team knows it is still something the userbase is interested in!
Chris commented
Yeah I agree this would be a much needed addition to the other games option. As it is now there is almost no reason to even mess with the 'other games' setting.