Updating Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
I know official launch for the game isn't for another month: but will there be planned updates to in-game info after Aug. 27th?
Things like: Rapid Raid, Item-Hovers, job icons?

Job icons and the like are now in the system. :)
Anonymous commented
Our FC has been looking to switch to guildlaunch for our site, however the lack of FFXIV site support has sofar stopped us from making the change. Can you please look into this
Anonymous commented
Is this going to be supported? It's been several months with little to no update on this.
Anonymous commented
Is there any way to get the roster to automatically add members once they have registered? An API of some kind? Perhaps pull from the lodestone?
Cardioes commented
XIVDB has a script for built in Item Hovers/Tool Tips
Perhaps this will help speed up the process:
Aldebaron commented
Awesome!! Glad to hear it! Thank you :-)
Bob commented