Book of Heroes Raid Support
I participate in a guild of the mobile game Book of Heroes, and right now, we do all the raid tracking in excel files.
Looking how close to the DKP system the Book of Heroes raids are, I tried to properly setup a guildlaunch site to track the RPP (Raid Participation Points), however, it became impractical to the point of almost impossible.
The Book of Heroes raid works on a turn based system. You do not team up, nor have tank/heal/dps roles, only the "hero" role. You "pay" a preset amount of resources and you gain a time to clear waves of minions, or damage the boss itself. Each action gives you RPP, and in the end of the raid the reward that the game gives you is based on how much RPP you gained.
The problem faced was that for givin dkp points (that would be the substitute for RPP in guildlaunch site) I needed to create an Event, and the Event itself contains a default value, and a Default Name. While I can override the Default Value, the Name cannot be changed, therefore obligating the creation of up to 60 different events, each one with the name of one character, just to make it work.
Since the Book of Heroes game does not provide shared loot as of now, we dont spend DKP, we only use it to track who is participating in the guild events (Mainly Effort done, and attendance).
To this end, an event type of "rank" (or other more pretty name), could do it. You add to the event type the attendees of the raid, and it allows you to put a number representing the points that the member did. Once all of them are typed these points are transported to DKP of the characters for the sake of DKP reports and ranking.
It might sound simple enough to make it by hand, adding these events shouldn't take more than half a hour, or an hour perhaps, but we do at very least 3 raids per day, going up to 7 in weekends or holydays. And I'm not thrilled with the idea of using 4:30 hs to fill up these info.

This is definitely an interesting idea, but it’s not something we’re currently planning to implement.