Attendance report filter "last X raids"
Date Range filter currently allows "# of days" "system lifetime" "char lifetime" ... i recommend making one for "# of raids".
I have to keep going in there and changing the # of days filter to allow me to see attendance percentages for the last 10 raids and the last 30 raids.... if we raided everyday of the week this wouldn't be an issue because they are the same, but we don't, so its extremely annoying to have to adjust that number everyday to keep the correct # of raids displayed.
In addition to this, i recommend have the same option for the "last raids" under the char tabs... right now its based on days, i think it should be based on raids... that would be handy.

This is not something we’re currently planning to implement, but we may revisit it for a future release.
Kiernan commented
Sorry, i should also mention, i dont want the "last # of raids" for a given char. I want the "last # of raids" for the guild.