RaidCall voice chat widget.
RaidCall is recently popular voice chat software that offers absolutely free voice comms. Please add a widget similar to the one for Ventrillo to see groups/channels/number of people in/status etc.

This is something that we would like to be able to implement, but Raidcall doesn’t have a good way to pull that data. They have a widget on their site, but it hasn’t been maintained. :(
If that changes and there’s a way for us to add it, we will gladly look into it again, though!
Olfy commented
PS. I paid for Vents way over priced service for over 2 years and NO ONE used it ;</
Olfy commented
Both my Horde and Alliance guilds only use RaidCall. Vent is outdated and cost 2 much to use.
Please give me RaidCall!!!!
and yes it is how I found your Guild Launch Site. ;<P -
Elo commented
Please work on this, would be very useful to many Guilds out there [:
Anonymous commented
Please make raidcall widget or midget what ever :D
AdminGL_Stephen (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
Justin, as Slater indicated in the message when we declined this feature the reason we do not have it is that RaidCall does not support it. You would have to ask RaidCall why they turned the ability to query servers off. Without that functionality we cannot support a RaidCall widget. It is out of our hands, and in theirs.
If that changes, and the RaidCall developers re-enable this functionality we would be glad to revisit what we can do on our end.
Justin Morgan Saunders commented
It's now Feb 26th 2014 is there a way to set this widget as of yet? 2 years since this question has been asked and no updates
Thomlyn commented
A Raidcall widget would be awesome. There are a lot of us waiting.
Anonymous commented
Raidcall is a must have widget!!! Please make it!
Anonymous commented
Yes! Raidcall please ^^
Anonymous commented
Invision uses RC we would love this.
fulor commented
Behemoth uses RC all the time!
FliP commented
Supporting the Idea too, really need a RaidCall Widget-
Dilalia commented
My guild uses RC too!!!!
Anonymous commented
we have nearly 200 members and growing. would love to have this as soon as possible. thnx
SiegrainJ commented
I would also love to see these. Thanks for the post. ^_^
Tiffany Marie Cardinal commented
Yess!!! My guild uses raidcall too!! I soo hope they implement this!!! @.@
Anonymous commented
is there and EST on when this will be implemented. would love to have it on our site. thnx
Anonymous commented
this needs to happen =)