Rapid Raid role selection on signup
The rapid raid forums asked me to post this here instead. Thanks!
I know a similar question was asked about this, but this is more of a request.
Can we get a dropdown in the popup that comes up when you click "Available" That lets you choose which of your preset Roles(defined by admins in the Raid Roster) you wish to sign up for? For example I select Guiyran in the character dropdown and DPS in the Role Dropdown then hit submit.
Some of my members respec on a regular basis to help fill raids and when they sign up it auto fills them to the wrong group sometimes. Also swtor plans on adding dual role functionality, and it would be great to get a dual spec friendly addition to the signups for the auto filling. For example:
Guiyran is approved in "Raider - DPS" and "Raider - Tank" roles. He wants to sign up as a DPS, but the auto assign places him into the Tank group because it is first in the list and is not full.
This becomes an issue when the admins don't catch it in time and some members sign up for spots that aren't really there, or did not sign up because the group they are eligible for falsely showed full.
Thanks in advance.

This is not something we’re currently planning to implement.
Sean commented
This is exactly what I would like to see as well. Currently, we are only testing rapid raid with our set raid group for upper tier content. Considering that they are 8 mans and we only have 8 people and 2 alternates, it is not currently a problem. However, when we expand the use of rapid raid to the entire guild I can forsee this being an issue.
Also, the way that people are assigned to roles by admins should be looked at. Because of issues with auto-fill and dual specs as outlined above by Gui, I manually slot folks into their group (Tank, Heals, DPS). Under the raid roster, I have set people into their available roles (i.e. Tank and DPS). We have many players that have multiple characters and multiple roles across those characters. However, when assigning characters under the group detail, it does not respect the groups those characters have been placed in. So if one of my Admins or I mistakenly slot someone as a healer when their group and role is set to Tank and DPS, it will allow you to do so with no warning that this does not match their roles as defined under the roster. So it could cause in this case the healer role to be erroneously full, filled by a character that can not be used in that role.
My suggestion for this would be to only allow the character to be assigned to whatever group(s) they are listed as part of on the raid roster. Short of that, a warning message to the effect that "This character is listed on the roster as x and x. The group you are placing this character in is outside of these parameters".
This would be a greatly welcome thing, especially once there are dozens of characters to keep track of once it is rolled out to the guild as a whole. This would avoid these errors or having to cross reference with the guild roster to see what groups they fall into if you don't remember off the top of your head.