PvP Win/Loss counter
It would be really great if you could add a Graph or a counter to the PvP section for the teams to register their wins/losses so it isn't just one big list. For example for my SWTOR Team I would like to show wins per battlground against losses, so one Bar showing the amount of Wins in say Civil war and another showing the losses directly beneath and the same for Huttball and Voidstar I think this would be a much better way for people to take one look and see how good a team are as they have played 12 matches and they have Won 10 and Lost 2 rather than just looking at a list coz no one can really be bothered to read the whole thing can they?
Vote for this if you agree =D
This isn’t currently planned as an automated feature, but you can still track the data in a custom section or custom page!