Update Guild Summary in TERA
Hello, my idea is to update the summary in TERA, because the races are incorrect, as the race the Elin not exist and two types of Castanics out when there is only one, please fix this error, Sorry for my english
Sorry about the confusion again – this is not a widget issue. There is a character on the guild site (Skantrix) who is a ‘Castanies Sorcerer’, which is why it is displaying Castanies, and there are no Elin characters on the guild site.
Changing that will resolve the issue.
DarkSonata commented
He means the error is that in the guild summary to the left of the screen, castanic appears twice, and elin does not appear at all. You can see that in the screenshot he provided. I also have it that way.
Sion commented
Might Not understood me, I meant this http://i1234.photobucket.com/albums/ff410/sion0415/eror.png Sorry for my english