World of Tanks needs more support PLEASE.
World of Tanks is the current #1 shooter on the web. How about some templates ,tools, widgets game specific? Any plans?

Inconspicuous commented
ANYTHING!.. how about a character screen widget that follows peoples main / favoured tank?
a Recruiting Screen where we can Invite other members..
Class widget support like wow so we can track how many preferred Lights / mediums / Heavies / TD's or Artillary are around.. and invite more of those classes..
Why did you respond that it's under review on May 25 2012.. but yet couldn't ask again, chase up info or even continue work yourself?.
Cheers. Inconspicuous. I'll put this page as favourite and check back so you can respond on this topic.. thank you Slater.
AdminGL_Slater (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
What sorts of tools and game-specific widgets are you looking for?