Linking Guild Ranks with Forum Permissions
Being able to link permissions to guild ranks, instead of setting them in the permissions area of the Admin tab and having to manually add each individual to both the guild rank and site permissions areas.

This is something that we plan to do, but is not currently on a development timeline.
Bimmers commented
Any update on this? It seems like a pretty important feature, and would make things a lot easier.
Auldjohn commented
Our Guild made a workaround by creating Permission Groups for Forum sections. This adds an extra step for Site Admins, but is effective and easy. We can sort the Permission Group member listing by rank, and just add members of that rank to the appropriate permission group.
We just created an Admin procedures document that provides instructions on member acceptance, promotions, and related permission groups. This convenient checklist keeps Ranks and Permissions consistent.
OTO, GL_Slater, I would add my vote to have this suggestion revisited, especially since we are in the process of slightly expanding our member Ranks to accommodate forthcoming in-game changes in Ranks for ESO.
Draconeran commented
This would be a great feature to revisit. This would help my group allow access on a need to know without have to add individuals to certain permission group. This would remove so workload on our site admins and moderators too.
John commented
I agree this feature is very much needed.
I think the easiest way to fix this would just be the option of instead of just adding individuals to a permission group, the option to also add everyone with a certain forum rank to a permission group. -
steve_massey_2001 commented
You could just implement it fairly simply by adding an option on the Rank Sync Options:
Apply Ranks from Characters to Members? Yes No (This is already present)
Apply Ranks from Members to Characters? Yes No (This is already present)
Mirror Guild Ranks to Members? Yes No (Please add this!)If someone says 'Yes' to 'Mirror Guild Ranks to Members' then during the import, just check to see if a Permission Group exists with the same name as the Guild Rank of the member currently being processed, and then add them to that group. So you don't have to rework the whole architecture, just make it auto-add people to the Permission Groups if they've been created with identical names as the guild ranks, and if the option is checked.
Thanks for reading.
steve_massey_2001 commented
Any update on this? I'd really like to base our permissions on rank within the guild, and not have separate permission groups. Managing it all manually is a pain.
FabryB commented
Like Eis-Ysera said, we users imported from WowStead had this feature and would liek to have it here too.
The easyiest way I can thik is:
add rank support in Permission Groups so we cann add single users or Ranks.
Whenever a user is promoted or demoted by rank should gain new permissions.
If a user is member of one group "manually" those permission should win. -
Eis-Ysera commented
This is a much needed feature, one that I had on WowStead.
DJeckel commented
Any update on this? its been over a year since this was marked as "planned"
Sunhead commented
Hell yeah.
I just kept assuming that I was a noob and could not find the feature.
Something that lets you map Guild Ranks, by Game, to Forum Ranks would be Awesome.
I know this info exists for WoW which is mostly what I care about,
but I assume Guild/Clan ranks would be available in other games as well.This would also be a good measure to get people to actually claim their toons too.
Anonymous commented
This would be a most welcome addition to the guildlaunch service
Ryan Murray commented
I would find this to be a welcome addition, perhaps it could be laid out in the same fashion as promoting/demoting members in 'Member Management'