parser for rapid raid
I would like to award DKP hourly or by time. The easiest way to accomplish this is with a parser for the game log file. The parser will look for the time and date stamp,the guild tag, and the zone. Then Just parse the amount of time the member is online. You could also impliment a loot tracker. Any item looted in the game be listed and the raid leader can select the items that cost dkp to submit automaticly then add in the cost from the webpage.
This would really be awsome then all i would need to really do is keep doing a /w all guild command in just about any game or like command

This is something we may revisit in the future, but is not currently planned for development.
Henrik Korshavn commented
Does it exists for EVE Online as well ?
Erynne commented
This exists for WoW, and hopefully for Rift soon, and is called CT_Raid Tracker.