Guild applications
It would be nice if it were possible to have a option to automatically duplicate guild applications into the officers thread for discussion, I know officers can discuss in the admin are, but this is limited to 250 characters and is a bit clunky and no where as nice as the forum
This feature already exists.
Anonymous commented
I don't think I explained myself correctly perhaps.
The idea was to be able to copy the guild application upon completition into 2 places on the forum, 1 copy to the public forum for general members to discuss, and 1 copy to a private officers forum. The option to copy only allows it into one place at the moment.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to be able to post to multiple boards on the forum rather than just the public area.
AdminGL_Stephen (Admin, Gamer Launch) commented
This is already possible. On the Recruitment panel in the admin area there is a link to the 'Forum Posting' settings where you can choose to post apps into any forum. The notes in the Admin are meant to be quick notes like 'talked to player in-game' and other small bits of coordination, not really full blown discussion.
Using the forum posting options will let you get that full blown discussion going.