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Gamer Launch Feature Requests

This is an area where Gamer Launch users can suggest ideas on how to improve Gamer Launch functionality! When opening an idea, be sure to check out our Feature Request article for some guidelines.

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17 results found

  1. 2 votes

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  2. actually get the items i added to the loot for adventure quest worlds character

    the items added to the loot get added to the characters bag in the game

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    0 comments  ·  rapid raid  ·  Admin →
    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    Unfortunately, this is not something we have control over on our end – you would need to talk to Artix’s support team about in-game items.

  3. Rapid raid enhancements:

    tm the rapid raid personal lists and lists inside events for items have the following columns:

    item, (point value), date, raid name, Event.

    Can you add another column listed slot that pulls the slot from the tooltip item and also make all the columns sortable?

    Also, can you make it so if I have items with points generated from a price list, if I change the value on the price list, can that affect all the current items?

    • Say I have cloak of fire listed at 5 points on the price list.
    • I enter a few of these across a…

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  4. Book of Heroes Raid Support


    I participate in a guild of the mobile game Book of Heroes, and right now, we do all the raid tracking in excel files.

    Looking how close to the DKP system the Book of Heroes raids are, I tried to properly setup a guildlaunch site to track the RPP (Raid Participation Points), however, it became impractical to the point of almost impossible.

    The Book of Heroes raid works on a turn based system. You do not team up, nor have tank/heal/dps roles, only the "hero" role. You "pay" a preset amount of resources and you gain a time to…

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    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    This is definitely an interesting idea, but it’s not something we’re currently planning to implement.

  5. For the rapid raid item entering, can we enter items byname and a checkbox/pulldown with the varying ilevel? instead of having to search

    Let us enter items by name + a pulldown/checkbox to differentiate between different item level versions. Having to enter items by item ID number to get the proper mouseover is a lot of extra work.

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    1 comment  ·  rapid raid  ·  Admin →
    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    Thisis not something we’re currently planning to implement.

  6. Auto decay dkp option

    I want an option that removes a fast number every week from all members untill 0. if they are at 0 they stay at 0.

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    0 comments  ·  rapid raid  ·  Admin →
    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    This is not something we’re currently planning to implement.

  7. Import rapid raid calander to smartphone

    Would love to be able to import my guild's raid schedule through my smartphone, so that I can see at a glance (usually a notification on the phone) if there's any schedule conflicts for the raids I want to be in attendance for. Currently I am doing it manually, by opening up the raid calender on the website, then the phone's planner, and inputing the raid info.

    I know it's a request that may sound like I'm being lazy, but those of us with hectic schedules would love to shave off any extra time possible with a "click and go"…

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    0 comments  ·  rapid raid  ·  Admin →
    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    While this is not something we currently plan to implement, we are looking into mobile applications that may include this functionality (or something like it)!

  8. Integrate KonferSK into Rapid Raid

    There's a XML file (I believe) that can be downloaded from KSK. I'd like to be able to upload this file into Rapid Raid as a way to document and keep track of who got what loot, and what the current SK list is. Perhaps some sort of cross-integration with Raid Tracker so that it'll track attendance, too?

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    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    We do not currently plan to integrate KonferSK into the Rapid Raid system.

  9. Notifications

    Just when we need to get a Raid going, send E-Mails for those who are signed up, just as a reminder.

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  10. Attendance report filter "last X raids"

    Date Range filter currently allows "# of days" "system lifetime" "char lifetime" ... i recommend making one for "# of raids".

    I have to keep going in there and changing the # of days filter to allow me to see attendance percentages for the last 10 raids and the last 30 raids.... if we raided everyday of the week this wouldn't be an issue because they are the same, but we don't, so its extremely annoying to have to adjust that number everyday to keep the correct # of raids displayed.

    In addition to this, i recommend have the same…

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    1 comment  ·  rapid raid  ·  Admin →
    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    This is not something we’re currently planning to implement, but we may revisit it for a future release.

  11. EPGP Import Enhancement

    You already have the ability import the log string from the EPGP add on via the Import Initial DKP feature on the website. You need to take this a step further.... The log string you are importing contains everything needed to update raid results, loot gathered, and adjustments (EP/GP awarded for things other than killing a boss or recieving loot).... PLEASE handle the data your site currently ignores !!!

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    1 comment  ·  rapid raid  ·  Admin →
    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    This is definitely an interesting idea, and it’s something we may implement in a future release, but it is not currently planned.

  12. Rapid Raid role selection on signup

    The rapid raid forums asked me to post this here instead. Thanks!

    I know a similar question was asked about this, but this is more of a request.

    Can we get a dropdown in the popup that comes up when you click "Available" That lets you choose which of your preset Roles(defined by admins in the Raid Roster) you wish to sign up for? For example I select Guiyran in the character dropdown and DPS in the Role Dropdown then hit submit.

    Some of my members respec on a regular basis to help fill raids and when they sign up…

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    1 comment  ·  rapid raid  ·  Admin →
    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    This is not something we’re currently planning to implement.

  13. Make it possible to add "unavailable" signups to give out raid dkp

    We want to give our ppl 1 dkp if they sign ups as unavailable,( to get ppl to start signing when they cant raid). But there is no easy way to aword the people that signed as unavailable dkp

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    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    You can do this manually with adjustments; this is not currently functionality we intend to implement.

  14. Rapid Raid non-raid DKP

    Add an option for non-event driven DKP tracking.

    In TERA, all dungeon loot is BoP. There are also other items that players can contribute for maintaining a guild, such as tokens awarded by Guild Quests. I want to be able to use Rapid Raid's DKP tracking to track a guild currency for rewarding expensive donations, Guild Token contributions, substantial efforts like event planning, etc. Currently I either have to do so via 'adjustments' which don't track as Earned-Spent so contribution records can't be seen, or by kludging in false-raid events for every time someone makes a donation or withdrawal.

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  15. In SWToR guilds, 'My Competition' should be by Class, not advanced class since most gear is given out in tokens that apply to Class. For in

    In SWToR guilds, 'My Competition' should be by Class, not advanced class since most gear is given out in tokens that apply to Class. For instance I am a Trooper Commando. It only shows other commando's instead of all Troopers which can use the same tokens I can.

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  16. Show late signups at overview page

    Would it be possible to get the late signup posted after the names in the overwiev page?


    And after the name in the class window. It would tell you if they signed up late or not.

    Raolan (Late)

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    0 comments  ·  rapid raid  ·  Admin →
    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    We are not currently planning to implement this functionality.

  17. parser for rapid raid

    I would like to award DKP hourly or by time. The easiest way to accomplish this is with a parser for the game log file. The parser will look for the time and date stamp,the guild tag, and the zone. Then Just parse the amount of time the member is online. You could also impliment a loot tracker. Any item looted in the game be listed and the raid leader can select the items that cost dkp to submit automaticly then add in the cost from the webpage.

    This would really be awsome then all i would need to really…

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    2 comments  ·  rapid raid  ·  Admin →
    Declined  ·  GL_Slater responded

    This is something we may revisit in the future, but is not currently planned for development.

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