Gamer Launch Feature Requests
This is an area where Gamer Launch users can suggest ideas on how to improve Gamer Launch functionality! When opening an idea, be sure to check out our Feature Request article for some guidelines.
If you are requesting that a game be added to the system, you want the Game Requests forum instead.
25 results found
provide more tooltips to explain certain parts
providing a bit more tooltips to certain bits of the admin section could help new admins to find their way around your site more easily. offcourse i know you have the help option, but sometimes a short explanation is all we need :)
1 voteShelving this for now – we’re definitely open to the idea of more tooltips, we just need to know where you’d like to see them. :)
Add File Sorting for uploaded files by Type,Name, and size and or allow them to be put into sub directories.
Having a good amount of space to upload files is great until you need to find and link to those files and they are all just in one list. It would be nice to be able to list the files in groups or sub folders for easier access and organization.
33 votesThis hasn’t bubbled up to active development yet, but we may revisit it in a future release!
Wildstar Character Importing feature
I would like to request a new feature for Wildstar to import the guild roster into GL. I can use an addon called "Guild Roster Tools" to import the characters into an xml file. I would be happy to work with the Dev to make this happen. This will be needed if we are to make use of the Raiding system as well. Please let me know if I can help.
Wildstar - Caretaker server votesWe may revisit this in a future release, but it isn’t currently planned for active development.
Participation Tracking for promotions
My guild operates by having a system where I track individual players actions based on a point system similar to DKP. This allows me to assign points to players that go to events or simply help out new players to get involved. I'd like a system to allow my officers to assign "participation" points to players on the site and allow a system to track that to integrate to the promotions value.
This will allow my guild to easily track who should get promoted based on actual participation in the guild automatically.
- Point system to create named values…3 votesThis is not currently planned in a development cycle, but we may revisit it in a future release.
Moderating Old Members
Back in the day, a system was created to moderate current site users signatures and avatars. You can remove them and such. I originally suggested this idea and I was happy to see it get the response it deserved.
However, it needs to be taken a couple of steps farther....
1. The ability to set a default picture or text for moderated signatures and avatars. (Basically saying and showing it was moderated.)- The ability to remove members' avatars and signatures who are no longer apart of the guild site (not guildlaunch but site specific) but have posts that are still…
44 votesThis hasn’t bubbled up to active development yet, but we may revisit it in a future release!
Update TS3 Widget
If you have time to look at the TS3 widget code, right now when it is polling the script is displaying every single thing on the server. That includes the [cspacer] , [rspacer] and normal [spacer]. Any chance we can get script to filter those codes out of the view poll so they are not displayed?
13 votesWe may revisit this in a future release, but it isn’t actively planned for development.
Under an old system, Site admins were the only people who could assign and award a guild award from the award page (whew, lol). I then suggested on the forums to incorporate a permission with it instead of having to be a site admin for obvious reasons.
I was not through in my explanation however. The way the current permission is set up, when a specific permission group has the "award" permission checked, it allows them to also create new awards.
I would like to see that only site admins (or whoever else through yet another permission) can create an…
36 votesThis hasn’t bubbled up to active development yet, but we may revisit it in a future release!
Moderating Site Posts/Replies
I would like to see a button to "moderate" a reply or post that when that particular post or reply is moderated, it keeps the original poster from editing it to re-post was was "edited" when the edit button is used.
In that system, there should be default replies that replace the current content in the post or reply with admin moderation replies OR the ability to manual edit the reply to say whatever is necessary.
Also, by default, when the post or reply is moderated, it should say who moderated it. The ability to set the font and formatting…
41 votesWhile we aren’t currently planning this specific functionality for active development, it’s something we may revisit in a future release!
Site Admin The Ability to adjust the maximum amount of data(Kb/Mb) uploaded by member(s).
Site Admin The Ability to adjust the amount of data/images/sounds (Kb/Mb) for a maximum total limit uploaded by member(s).
1 voteThis is not currently planned in a development cycle, but we may revisit it in a future release.
Ability to toggle default forum text link targets from "None" (same window) to "New Window"
I think it would be a great feature/addition if the GL website/owner had the ability to toggle the default setting of forum text link targets from "None" (same window) to "New Window". I feel this would increase the ease and functionality of links that target both internal and external sources without being lead away from or possibly losing any progress on the current page that is providing the link.
Certainly most links elsewhere on sites are meant for navigation rather than referencing. But the text links found in Forum posts are typically used to simultaneously cite/share information ALONG SIDE of…
15 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
include an Auto feature for gathering Faction Information from Importing
When importing from Rift Game. Both Factions, Guardian and Defiant are allowed in the same Guild for Rift Game. This is not right. All the "Imported" players are set as Defiant or Guardian. No 'Auto' Option.
3 votesThis may be revisited in a future release, but isn’t currently planned functionality.
Make it more user friendly to Clan operators on Xbox 360
Is there a way that we could make the site compatible with Call of Duty? By that I mean add widgets for Clan Wars stats, and a way to link your Xbox 360 Profile to your account. I would also like to be able to add profile fields where members can personalize their page a little.
3 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
multiple guild bank
Is there any plans to add more advanced admin option to the guild bank, as Weekend Warriors* are a multi-gaming guild and would like to have one guild bank link. But setup so that items from SW:TOR are not mix'ed with items from STO or Fallen Earth.
Something like
- [Armormech]
[Fallen Earth]
- [Armorcraft]
21 votesThis is a great idea, but not something we’re currently pushing to active development.
Site Members Search
Within the Rosters > Site Members area, add a search field in order to help with quickly finding a specific member. It would show any applicable partial or full match.
For example: If I typed in Kin, it might return with:
The results would display as the list currently does in terms of: Check Box, User Name, Joined, Last Login, Rank, Admin, Mod, Modify3 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
Site Members pages by Alpha Characters
Currently we page through the roster in Rosters > Site Members in order to manage a user. This suggestion would be to include Alpha Characters as "pages" (in addition to the current page numbers) so that we could quickly find members. For example, I'm looking for all members that have an account name that starts with the letter 'M'. I click 'M' and it shows all members fitting that criteria.
In a nutshell, it's just an additional way to sort through massive amounts of members.2 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
'Select All' option for Split/Merged
When Splitting/Merging Topics, having a 'Select All' option for selecting all the posts to Split/Merge would help speed things up, especially for merging entire Topics together.
3 votesThis is not currently planned to be included in a development cycle, but we may revisit it at a later date.
Guild Kick/Drop Notes
We have a process where we assign a re-invite priority to each member when they leave or are kicked from the guild. It would be great if you could make these an option or at least provide more customizable fields on the roster. I suppose I can make a no longer in guild rank as a workaround, and strip them of rights.
Terms when he left
A = Left on the best terms. Example: Long time productive member. Left for RL issue.
B = Left on good terms. Didn't know him long, but gave his notice before he left.
C…6 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
You could use an officers-only forum to do something similar, though. :)
Allow admins to change Level of characters for games that do not have roster imports
Members aren't updating their levels or some are purposely putting level 999 so the can be on top of the list. Our game doesn't have roster import functionality, I'd like to be able to fix/update my roster without asking members.
148 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned for active development.
Have 'Edited by' text appear when a moderator edits a forum post
Hello friends! Thanks once more for great website & great work for this amazing service... I would like to give the idea of when an admin edits a post from other person it should appeared edit by .... at date:..... Because atm I just edited 1 person post and nothing appeared.
Thanks for your time & have a great week
4 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
Asign dates to Guild Awards
If you have an award for joining your guild but you don't happen to be on that day to assign it it'll have the wrong date on it. Same for certain tasks or achievements.
It would be nice if there was a "date" option when choosing what user to assign an award to.
7 votesThis is something we may revisit in a future release, but isn’t currently planned to be in a development sprint.
- Don't see your idea?