Gamer Launch Feature Requests
This is an area where Gamer Launch users can suggest ideas on how to improve Gamer Launch functionality! When opening an idea, be sure to check out our Feature Request article for some guidelines.
If you are requesting that a game be added to the system, you want the Game Requests forum instead.
300 results found
Add View Permissions to Custom Sections
Be able to set permissions the same as forums on custom sections.
Allowing different players to be able to see it, edit it, etc
We need it for our game as new players are not trusted until they have proven themself not to be a spy156 votes -
Ability to turn off new applicant PMs
Please make an option to turn off incoming new applicant PMs for users who have the "Manage Applications" permission. Thanks!
125 votes -
Please add the Archeage database items to guildlaunch.
Please add the archage database as an available option for adding items and things to our website. The database is here
80 votes -
Roster Structure
I would like to assign my officers to groups and then members under them. It would be nice to have place to do this, then the option to display this as our guild roster rather than just a list of people in the guild.
62 votes -
Discord voice app and Gamer launch integration
Since I see many guilds moving from teamspeak to Discord
(which is free, web based, multiplatform and great for small clans)
I was wondering if would be in your plans to create a small widget to integrate this service, cause discord got a lot of public APIs.
Having an account integration between gamer launch registered users and Discord would be the ultimate move and the coolest feature of all the time!Thank you very much indeed,
59 votes -
Make the site Header size customizable for height
Requiring 1500 for header width is fine but make the height customizable. It would be nice to have the ability to make the height of the header 400 or less, instead of the required 500. Thanks for the consideration!
49 votes -
Guild News Widget
On the "Guild News" widget, it would be nice to have the ability to condense the stories into a more visually appealing format (see attached). Currently, a single post can block out all the other news.
Thank you!
46 votes -
Able to see who and how they vote on the poll of a post.
(just like how it is in the Poll widget).
This could be useful when you create a post and add a poll (which appears on top of that post) where members can vote. If the admin is able to see who vote and how the vote makes it more organized instead of creating one at the Poll Widget.37 votes -
Popular Thread Widget
My guild loves the "latest posts" widgets; we use it all the time. Would it be possible to enhance this widget with a popular or trending posts section?
26 votes -
We would like to be able to assign multiple ranks to members or a way for a member to display the multiple roles they have withing the organization. Multiple ranks can fill this purpose just fine.
23 votes -
Show guild calendar entries in my time zone
GL_Rothalack suggested I post this idea here: When a guild calendar entry gets added, give it a time zone (defaulting to the time zone of the person entering it), and then when it's viewed, let me see it in my own time zone. This would make it SO much easier to coordinate raids, parties, etc. when your guild members are all across the country, or all across the world.
19 votes -
Elder Scrolls Online Levels
Elder Scrolls Online Have levels 1-49 and then Veteran Ranks 1+
The current Guild Launch levelling system and widget don't work properly for this they're geared towards standard levels 1-100 for example.
Can it be implemented so Veteran Ranks can be correctly added and read by the widgets properly?
18 votesCan you link me to official documentation of this? I’ll look into it and see what we can do on our end.
Add a question category during an application build process that allows "if/then"
I want to ask the question "would you want to raid with us" (or similar) and then IF they answer "yes", ask some additional questions. Currently I have to ask all the raid-relevant questions even if they answer "no". I could make those following questions so they're not mandatory to answer .. but then people would just ignore them, regardless of whether or not they're relevant.
18 votes -
More site customization options
There needs to be a place where you can put the guild name in the header without adding it to the background. Alignment options for headers and background and custom color patterns are a must, and the ability to size the widget columns. There also needs to be more templates to choose from.
17 votes -
Warcraft Logs Widget
I would like to see the option to put a widget for Warcraft logs (unless it's there and I'm missing it..) They have links on their site to link your guilds log but I don't see a way to add it to our site. Thanks!
17 votes -
Gameloop The Best PUBG Mobile Emulator
Play your favorite mobile game on PC with Gameloop (Tencent Gaming Buddy). Using the keyboard and gamepad control. Run multiple instances at the same time. Android Emulator. Low Size. Just 10 MB. Free and Simple. Trending Games.
Play PUBG Mobile on PC
Play Free Fire on PC14 votes -
bring back forum post count
simple. When you post something on the left of your text there is a column with avatar, name, rank and forum rank that identify the poster. There used to be a number of total post on the forum as well. Would make sense to bring it back at least for desktop version! :)
15 votes -
Add custom, assignable forum ranks
I am looking for a way to show appreciation to our guild donors on our forums. As is though, there's no clear way to do this. Forum ranks do not allow for this, as they can only be set with post counts. And site ranks offer insufficient functionality for this, as members cannot be assigned multiple ranks; e.g. the combination veteran and donor, or member and donor.
As such I would like to suggest to create the option to make new forum ranks without post requirements, but which rather may be set by the guild administrators. This way e.g. donor…
14 votes -
Add ability to remove a game from profile
Please add the ability to remove a game from the "Games Played" screen of the profile.
14 votes -
Drop-down menu customization (using images as links, specifying link URLs etc.)
I'd like the option to use image files as drop-down menu links the same way you already can use pictures for rest of the navigation bar. And also, in addition to this, the ability to customize the URLs of those links.
Related to this, I'd also prefer that the 'Gallery' and 'Guild Roster' navigation menu links WOULDN'T force drop-down menu structure. For example it seems currently impossible to create a nav-bar link which points ONLY to Gallery (keeping File Library hidden), instead you ALWAYS get the drop-down menu with both 'Gallery' and 'File Library' links whatever you do...
And allowing…
13 votes
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